Our Mission


Save every healthy and treatable homeless pet in Colorado


  1. Save every healthy and treatable homeless pet in Colorado.

  2. Create a statewide coalition of PACFA and other Colorado Animal Welfare organizations.

  3. Embrace all organizations, regardless of size.

  4. Implement and improve programs and services to address the needs of Colorado homeless pets and every alliance member’s agency.

  5. Provide funding for programs and services for alliance members.

  6. Provide an advocacy voice to alliance members in local and state government.

  7. Share resources across the alliance (Considering programs like medical, behavior modification, TNR, Spay/neuter, transport, transfer, legal, management, consulting, marketing, legislation).

Our view

Animal welfare has widely progressed in the past few decades. In the last decade alone, our industry has seen a dramatic surge in communities and organizations that have been saving every healthy and treatable homeless pet.

In Colorado, more than 300 organizations are licensed to rescue or shelter animals.  The vast majority are smaller agencies with little or no support, and no voice on animal-sheltering best practices, knowledge sharing, funding, and community outreach.

Colorado organizations need an alternative source where they are supported for saving lives.

Colorado’s diverse animal welfare system has breed rescues, senior pet rescues, sanctuaries, trainers, medical facilities and more. That diversity is our superpower.

The SARA alliance will work to keep a robust and diverse community of rescue, shelters and supporting organizations in Colorado.